performing arts Pioggiola

Anna Khlyostkina/

Director, actress, choreographer, curator

She was born in Moscow in 1986. She works as a transdisciplinary artist with a fluid professional identity.

Her projects are located in different institutional areas (theater, dance, performance, contemporary art), as well as beyond. She is interested in finding new ways of communication within artistic processes on different territories.

Sometimes the creation of a community is the goal of artistic practice, and sometimes it is a completely conventional theatrical product, for example. It is important for her to move away from expertise and elitism in artistic processes and to look for a new language for each process.

In artistic practice she explores catastrophe as a permanent state of affairs, boredom, melancholy; manifesting the non-affective in theatre; time flow; boundaries of fiction and documentary; voice, ranging from the lower limits of expressiveness and dynamics to over-expressive techniques.

Residency project:

The artist wishes to develop the staging of the play written by the playwright Lidia Golovanova in 2020, entitled Le Charpentier (The Carpenter). She will initially focus on translating the text into French.