The ACCR is pleased to inform you of the publication, by Éditions de l'Attribut, of the study ‘Faire Label - Les Centres culturels de rencontre’!
Based on a qualitative and quantitative survey, this work is the result of a partnership between CEPEL (Centre d'Etudes Politiques Et SociaLes), the French Ministry of Culture and the Association des Centres culturels de rencontre as part of the 2022-2023 CCR observatory.
A true observatory of the CCRs, the ACCR compiles statistics and documents annually that give it an overview of the life of the network. It also carries out studies that identify the points of convergence, the challenges and prospects of the CCRs, while taking into account the different contexts and territories. It thus provides an analysis of the specific model of the CCRs, in their organisational, sociological and political dimensions, of their ecosystem and of their impact in the regions.
You can order the book (only in French) on the Editions de l'Attribut website by following this link: