music Thiré

Yuliia Vash/

Pianist, harpsichordist and baroque dancer

Julia (Yuliia) Vash (1980 Ukraine, Kyiv) is a pianist, harpsichordist, performance artist, baroque dancer based in Germany.

She studied in Ukraine at the piano department of the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy with Professor Aza Roshchina. There she had postgraduate studies as a musicologist with Professor Nina Gerasimova-Persidskaya and received her PhD. The subject of her research was "French Baroque dance music for Clavier: specifics of performance". In 2020 Julia Vash graduated as a harpsichordist of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” Leipzig in the Early Music department with Professor Nicholas Parle.

Julia is a creative musician, she perform music in different formats and genres. In Ukraine she worked with „Ukho Ensemble”, has participated in the project "NOVA OPERA" by Vlad Troitsky, she was the harpsichordist of the ensemble of early and contemporary music "LUNA Ensemble". In Germany she has participated in projects for the Bach Museum, the Grassi Museum and the Festival of Early Music, as well as projects by contemporary composers Anna Korsun and Sergey Khismatov.