
Laura Dondi/

Actress, Screenwriter

Laura Dondi


Laura Dondi was born on 27 December 1987 in Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI). After finishing her classical studies, she graduated as a dancer at "Paolo Grassi" School of Dramatic Art in 2014 and she obtained a certificate in “design for theatre costumes” at Polidesign in Milan. She studied with choreographers such as Enzo Cosimi, Jonah Bokaer, Dominique Dupuy, Cesc Gelabert, Michele Di Stefano, Renate Graziadei, Luciana Melis, Laura Aris and Ariella Vidach. In 2015 she founded the company The Baby Walk, in which she’s working primarily as a choreographer, assistant director and costume designer. She signs coreographies, costumes and assistant director of the “Trilogia sull’identità” ("Peter Pan guarda sotto le gonne”,"Stabat Mater ", "Un eschimese in Amazzonia") by Liv Ferracchiati, with whom she also collaborates as assistant-director and costume designer for other projects produced by TSU, Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria. She is currently working as a performer in the last chapter of the Trilogia, "Un eschimese in Amazzonia", winner of the Scenario 2017 prize. She meets Effetto Larsen in 2017 and get interested about the Stormo ® project, that is currently evolving. In 2019 the collaboration with Effetto Larsen also affects other projects of the company, in which she works as artistic assistant for the projects “After/Dopo”, which debuts in the summer of 2019 in Italian and European festivals, and the spin off “Traces - a question of identity”.