cinema Fontevraud-l'Abbaye

Joseph Pierce/


Residency project:


How the Dead Live is a metaphysical drama told through a loose form of rotoscoped animation blended with contemporary 2D animation techniques. Its concept is simple; what if a sceptic dies and finds out the afterlife does in fact exist? By using the belief structure laid out in The Tibetan Book of The Dead, our film will take both a spiritual and satirical look at the age old question, what happens to you after you die?

The film will use animation to both heighten our characters experience of death and the afterlife, and add a layer of surreal complexity that’ll warrant repeat viewings. Its serious themes will be presented in a wholly unique way, with both humour and sincerity, where the animation will offer an unearthly quality, hopefully allowing the viewer to come away feeling enlightened rather than traumatised.