cinema Fontevraud-l'Abbaye

Dal Park/

Animation director and illustrator

Dal is an internationally-known animation director and illustrator based in Berlin. She studied communication design at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich. It was during an internship as a production assistant that she became fascinated by the narrative possibilities of animation. In 2018 she graduated from the Royal College of Art. Her RCA films have been highly accoladed and screened at festivals across the world including Tricky Women/Tricky Realities, Encounters Film Festival, Bit Bang Festival, Animafest Zagreb, Moderna Museet Malmö etc. Her work uses humour and odd characters to make sense of the everyday life.

Residency project:

“49 Days - Trying to make Friends with Death”

SHORT SYNOPSIS: Following the death of her mother, a young woman and her family hold a 49 day Buddhist funeral rite for the deceased to support the transition from this life to the next. In the process the young woman slowly accepts death as a new friend in her life.