• Residencies
  • Immersion in an abbey - Vocal composition residency
music Bruère-Allichamps

Immersion in an abbey - Vocal composition residency/

Immersion in an abbey - Vocal composition residency

Mykalle Bielinski is a vocalist, performer, composer, author and producer. Originally from Quebec, she combines singing with the musicality of language and electro-acoustic tonalities. Her works are created as sensory and immersive concerts, inspired by liturgical traditions, which question being and the sacred. Also trained in theatre and dance, Mykalle Bielinski was welcomed in residence in spring 2023 at the CCR Ambronay and at Noirlac Abbey as part of an Odyssée residency.

The artist's residency project was to immerse herself in the music, enabling her to complete the writing of pieces for her second album, a project called Une sensation de sacré.

"The last few days have been very fruitful, with a number of projects resolved. I was finally able to decide which songs would complete the album project.

The new song Spira, for which I'd been looking so hard for Latin lyrics, finally turned up... in Italian! I was able to find the sounds I was looking for and place the right vowels in the right places in the musical phrase. Fun fact: after two days in Italian, Latin words came to me! It's a sign that sometimes creation plays tricks on us and that you have to make a decision! I told myself that I'd make a final decision after meeting the Latin advisor later this summer.

I also composed a refrain and a 2nd verse for Ocean, an aria I started at Ambronay, which is rooted in the feeling of travelling by plane, in the vertigo of being so high and small in the immensity of the sky. Again, the link with breath, this time in stratospheric weightlessness, with its winds and air currents.

I've also almost finished The High Priestess, an ambient, stormy piece inspired by the Tarot de Marseille card - a legacy of the medieval West - and linked to my stay in an abbey in 2023. This figure, to which I keep returning, has accompanied me for months in my quest to define a contemporary mysticism in musical terms. It is also the main inspiration for the visuals on my first album, Da pacem, released in January 2024. Its resurgence at this stage of the residency reaffirms its importance to my approach and my music.

There's also the piece Magnificat, which I haven't had time to finish, but which I know will be part of the album.

So I now have twelve pieces to present to my accomplice, producer and arranger Blaise Borboën-Léonard. The next step is to structure another stage of the residency with access to a reverberant space to record the voices and acoustic instruments. We have several spaces in mind (The Tank studio in the United States), but we have also considered returning to the Odyssée residency sites, because they are so closely linked to the writing. I'd love to come back to Noirlac, but I'd also like to discover Sylvanès, to which I feel very drawn creatively.

All in all, this final part of my residency at the house concludes the cycle that began in April 2023. I now feel that the aesthetic is clear and that all the rooms respond and resonate with each other.

In my meditations over the last few weeks, I've taken care to connect with who I am in the moment, with what animates and inspires me.

I've been very attentive, much more so than last year, to how spiritual practice motivates the musical impulse. In the final days, I felt it was essential to follow in the footsteps of last spring, for the sake of coherence and depth. And also because therein lies the signature of a particular encounter: that with the medieval French abbeys.

So here are the pieces composed during my Odyssée residency:

1. Requiem (Noirlac)

2. Lauda (Noirlac)

3. Easter (Noirlac)

4. Omnia (Noirlac)

5. Alleluya II (Ambronay)

6. Unità (Ambronay)

7. Pagan (Ambronay)

8. À toi (Ambronay)

9. Spira (Résidence maison)

10. Ocean (Residence house)

11. The High Priestess (Residence house)

12. Magnificat (In-house residency)

I would like to reiterate my immense gratitude to the institutions that have made this research possible, this unprecedented and unequalled dive into my artistic needs. What precious time. Thank you for this privilege. »