
Corderie Royale/

International Sea Centre

Corderie Royale

CIM La Corderie Royale

Situated at the heart of the former naval dockyard of Colbert at Rochefort, the Corderie Royale (the former royal rope-making factory) stretches for 374 metres along the banks of the Charente. A heritage site for culture (CCR) since 1985, it is also home to the International Sea Centre, with a project based on maritime history and navigation.

On the banks of the Charente, in the heart of Colbert's former naval dockyard, this endless 374-metre-long workshop was built by the State in 1666 to supply the western war fleet with rope. A rare example of pre-industrial architecture, the rope factory was gradually decommissioned as a result of developments in naval technology. It ceased its manufacturing activities during the Second Empire, was completely destroyed by fire in August 1944, bought by the city and rebuilt between 1976 and 1988 under a ‘medium-sized town contract’.

Today it houses several service activities, the city's library and media library and, since 1985, the Centre International de la Mer (CIM), a cultural meeting centre.

By focusing on the human adventures of the sea, the Corderie Royale initially positioned itself on the side of the social sciences. Seeking to create a dialogue between art and science, it now supports current works and forms of creation related to river and maritime life.

Permanent content:
‘La Corderie, a life of workshops’, the tour includes a discovery of the history of La Corderie and its manufacturing activity through: a fifteen-minute immersive show on the three centuries of eventful history of the building, from the construction of the site to its rebirth for new uses; three workshops explaining the transformation of raw hemp into thread and then into rope. With holographic optical theatre, demonstrations, digital devices, not to mention significant human mediation for the demonstrations of rope making and sailor's knots.

Temporary content:
The Corderie Royale presents exhibitions on 300 m2 renewed every year or two years, on the most varied maritime themes. The exhibitions may be the subject of a co-publication, events, demonstrations, conferences. They ‘live’ throughout the year thanks to meetings, book signings, concerts, workshops, screenings (sometimes in the open air), artist interventions, symposia, study days, festivals, etc.

The CIM was born in a way from an identity ‘fault line’ almost inscribed in the geography of the site: in Rochefort, an estuary town 25 km from the ocean, created by and for the Navy, the sea is everywhere... but you never see it. Its role is to summon up, invoke, imagine, ‘dream’ of the sea... Its mission is to multiply, in space and time, the indisputable signs of the river and maritime identity of this place.

At the regional level, the International Sea Centre works with numerous cultural actors: public and private museums, art centres, multimedia libraries, archive centres, sailing associations, etc. Its speciality means it is in contact with many actors in coastal maritime life. At the national level, the CIM now wishes to move closer to scientific and technical culture. Home to a craft activity, it also hosts the French section of the International Guild of Knot Tyers (IGKT).