performing arts Arc-et-Senans

Theatrical writing residency/

Theatrical writing residency

Hossein Rajabian, an Iranian film-maker, playwright and photographer, was hosted in a cross-residency at the Corte Ospitale and the Saline Royale for over three weeks as part of the Nora programme in October 2023.

The artist looks back on the few days he spent at the Saline Royale d'Arc-et-Senans, which enabled him to finalise the writing of his play.

"Following a three-week stay at Corte Ospitale in Italy in October 2023, I decided to go to Saline Royale to complete the final stages of writing my play, as planned. The warm welcome and outstanding artistic facilities made my stay a memorable experience. I encountered an incredible historical building with very kind and friendly staff, making it an excellent experience for me.

Saline Royale offers a very pleasant and inspiring environment. The artist studios, theaters, and advanced facilities available to artists were very impressive. The staff welcomed me warmly and provided explanations about the facilities and artistic programs.

In my first meeting with the staff, we had productive discussions about the possibility of using their theaters for a television recording of the play. My proposal was well- received, and it might be considered further. These exchanges were very valuable to me.

I dedicated most of the second day to writing and completing my play. The peaceful and pleasant atmosphere of Saline Royale helped me focus well on my work and be more productive, inspired by the environment. My room, with natural light and inspiring decoration, was an ideal place for writing.

Additionally, on this day, I had the opportunity to meet and converse with other residents of Saline Royale. These exchanges were not only professionally beneficial but also helped expand my artistic perspectives. The new ideas and valuable opinions I gained from these conversations significantly helped improve my play, as writing a play requires personal experiences and fresh insights.

I dedicated the third day to reviewing and revising my play. With guidance and suggestions from the staff and other artists, I was able to rewrite my play more completely. Saline Royale, by providing a calm and creative environment, helped me focus on my work without distractions.

The program and writing process of my play, which started with Corte Ospitale in Italy, concluded for me at Saline Royale. I managed to complete the final version of the play during this time.

Saline Royale, by providing a supportive and creative environment, gives artists the opportunity to create their best works. This stay was invaluable for me not only professionally but also personally, and I am very grateful to all the staff and resident artists for their support and guidance.

During my stay at Saline Royale, I realized how important it is for an artist to work in a calm and inspiring environment. This place, with its history and beauty, provides a suitable space for creating artistic works. The experience of staying here made me appreciate the value of a proper working environment even more, and I hope this experience is equally beneficial for other artists."