A look back at 2023 at the ACCR/

A look back at 2023 at the ACCR

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The year 2023 will build on the momentum generated in 2022, namely a year marked by grassroots activities and the affirmation of the network's values and commitments. The ACCR has refocused on its core missions and is leading the network of CCRs that have chosen to join the association, two more in 2023: Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde and the medieval Abbey of Lagrasse, the arts of reading.  2023 has been an exceptional year for the ACCR, marking 50 years of the association and 20 years of the Odyssée residency programme.


As a professional federation at the service of its members, the ACCR helps its members to address issues such as the attractiveness of local areas, the participation of local residents in cultural life, alternative tourism, training for artists, sustainable development and international cultural cooperation.

To encourage training and meetings between members around these themes, the ACCR has increased the number of opportunities for meetings: cafés, training courses, annual network meetings. At the same time, the association has been very active in its role as an observatory, advising members, monitoring and forecasting, and promoting European development.

"The year was punctuated by a series of meetings that met the ACCR's objectives, both in terms of raising the network's profile and strengthening the sense of belonging. 

I think we've had some great successes, such as the publication of the ACCR's manifesto, "Bringing tomorrow's heritage to life", and the communication brochure, which helps to raise the profile of the CCR concept. The Network Meetings were also a great success, both in terms of attendance and the quality of the discussions. The submission of several European projects also confirmed the strategic hiring choices made in 2022. The requests from French and European cultural organisations to join our association are a sign of the renewed vitality of our association. "

Hubert Tassy - President of the ACCR

To find out more about the ACCR's activities in 2023, we invite you to consult the association's 2023 activity report (FR). For a quick overview of key figures and projects, see the 2023 infographic.