call for project

Mediation and cultural democracy - call for projects/

Mediation and cultural democracy - call for projects

Created in 2010, the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation is a family foundation sheltered by the Fondation de France. It is committed to two key areas: Sustainable Food, to ensure universal access to healthy food that respects people and ecosystems; and Art for Citizens, to develop critical thinking and strengthen social ties.

The Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation supports projects in France and Spain.

In June, the Foundation launched its "Mediation and Cultural Democracy" call for projects. The aim of this call for projects is to encourage citizen initiative throughout France, in cultural and artistic projects in rural areas, through the development of new local alliances. The projects will be led by an "ecosystem" of players in the artistic, civic, social and educational fields, with the aim of reinventing cross-disciplinary cooperative dynamics that are meaningful and have the potential to bring about change.

The call for applications is open to formal and informal groups with a shared artistic project that is intended to have an impact on the area in which it is based, in rural areas. These collectives can bring together a wide range of partners, structures and individuals: artists - necessarily -, cultural structures, networks of residents, social centres, humanitarian organisations, local authorities, businesses, etc. All disciplines are covered, and applicant projects can be submitted as being in the 'maturation' or 'deployment' phase.

The aim of this call for proposals is to provide financial support and targeted actions for between six and eight projects, ensuring that they are evenly distributed across France.

To apply, please read the guidelines, which can be downloaded by following this link.

You can submit your application by 10 September 2024, exclusively online via the dedicated platform.